DaisyMay Sprays
Nourishing your mind, body & spirit
through gorgeous smelling aromatherapy

These organic Face & Space Mists are great as facial toners and also effect you in mind - body - spirit. They are pure hydrosols, distilled from aromatic plants and contain the plant's own aromatic compounds while being gentler to use than essential oils. Also known as floral waters or aromatic waters, they take care of all skin types and are part of a natural and organic beauty routine. The floral waters contain many of the properties of the essential oils which they are the bi-product from. In the cosmetic industry, herbal distillates are prized for their gentle yet nourishing skin-friendly properties. We pride ourselves from only sourcing from ethical and fair trade sources. All are available in 50ml + 100ml options.
*NEW* The Mist spray tops now have a ultra fine soft mist spray effect - scientifically designed to create a light pattern of miscrospocic droplets which carry in the air longer, ensuring that every droplet of the hydrolat touches your skin cells more effectively. Described like a soft breeze - that enables the mist to be sprayed in a delicate, intricate fine mist of your face.
Click on the image to get more information about the therapeutic qualities of each spray... Enjoy!